This 433MHz car remote control blocker does not operate on 315MHz or 868MHz frequencies; it exclusively functions within the 433MHz range, capable of disrupting all remote control signals at this frequency within a radius of 25 meters.
This device transmits signals wirelessly via a retractable antenna, enabling effective management of various remote controls, including smart home device remotes, toy remotes, automotive remote systems, and others.
Usage instructions:
To utilize the 433MHz remote control blocker, insert the battery into the designated compartment, fully extend the upper left antenna, and then toggle the power switch to activate the jamming feature. The LED indicator located on the top of the device will illuminate in red at this point.
Important: This device lacks a built-in cooling mechanism. Avoid operating it during charging to prevent potential damage caused by overheating.
Technical specifications:
- Powered by a 12V battery.
- Output power measures 3W.
- Effective at disrupting 433MHz RF signals.
- Operational temperature range is from -30 to 60 degrees Celsius.
- Device casing is white.
All our products undergo meticulous professional calibration prior to shipment, supported by scientific testing to ensure an accuracy level of 4 MHz. Consequently, you can purchase and use them with assurance. Choose our 433MHz Signal Blocker for Remote Car Control to provide dependable safeguards for yourself and your family.
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